Solar Energy Technology

Active use of solar energy to serve human needs goes back to the dawn of human history where, directly or indirectly were operated mainly thermal energy to support daily activities.

Today, there is widespread use of the known solar collectors to heat water (solar water heaters) and rapidly evolving systems convert sunlight into electricity (PV).

Less known are the applications of solar systems that include Natural Illumination (Solatube ®), the Concentration of Solar Energy (systems CSP), the Photocatalysis (production of fuel cells for energy).

If we exclude applications Condensed Photocatalysis and Solar Energy - currently on station facilities and specialist interest and increased size - other forms of exploitation of solar energy is not only possible but also an ideal solution for the energy requirements of households and many professional and charitable buildings and facilities.
The use of solar heat can be used individually or in combination with conventional forms of energy to produce hot water for even heating and cooling and building facilities. On the other hand, solar radiation can be used for indoor lighting, and using (PV) can be used to produce electricity through autonomous, interconnected or hybrid plants.

In any case, maximum success promises to study and design of buildings and facilities in general, so that the integration of solar systems to be free of cost without degradation of efficiency and without disturbing the harmony of aesthetic construction.