Photovoltaic Systems

Photovoltaic systems are devices utilizing solar radiation, producing electromotive force (ie, become electrical generators). A photovoltaic system consists basically of photovoltaic panels, configuration management and control and of course the necessary cabling and transmission coupling. Photovoltaic systems can be grid or grid, depending on whether or not coupled with the national electricity grid. In the case of the photovoltaic system, is usually necessary and the availability of means of energy storage (batteries) to power availability during non-sunlight (night, cloudy days).

The development of photovoltaic systems is initially placed in the middle of last century (1950) arose when service needs of applications of space technology, while after 1970 the first steps in place for the use of PV in more everyday applications, something that helped and oil crises 1973 and 1979. Nowadays (2009), the Photovoltaic Technology has managed to produce several PV systems affordable for even small investors, which in combination with social sensitivity and the shift to renewable energy sources, making fruitful the rapid proliferation of applications of PV with a direct impact on micro-and macroeconomics, management of natural resources and our environmental performance.