Nuclear power is no solution

Nuclear power is no solution to global warming. Is necessary to ensure a future of environmental integrity, secure and peaceful.

This implies that the use of non-renewable energy sources such as fossil fuels and uranium, should be reduced to zero - to go, that is, gradually, a complete elimination of not only fossil fuels and nuclear energy.

As we are faced with increasing problems due to our energy needs, such as global warming, acid rain and local air pollution, industries for their own specific interests and governments promote nuclear energy as a clean energy source which could contribute to reducing the impact of human activity on the environment. We  strongly disagrees with this view.

In particular, we advocate that nuclear energy is sustainable energy source for the following reasons:

• Overall, the chain 1) processing of nuclear raw materials from mining, 2) operating nuclear power plants, 3) transport and disposal of nuclear waste and 4) final reprocessing is filled leaks and leave a highly toxic legacy.

• The replacement of fossil fuel by nuclear creates a major environmental problem in someone else's. It is clear that nuclear power remains particularly dangerous and difficult to control. This is amply demonstrated by the Chernobyl accident in Ukraine in 1986 and Tokaimoura Japan in 1999.

In addition to these hazards should also assess the economic reasons against nuclear power be a viable alternative to combat climate change:

• Investment in nuclear power programs can absorb resources that are essential to energy efficiency programs and renewable energy sources, most of which have significantly lower specific costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to nuclear energy.

atomkraft • Nuclear technology does not create incentives to save energy. It is a technology base load (base-load), whose energy output can not be adapted to this demand is accepted by consumers and industry.

• Including the cost of closure and management of toxic waste greatly increases the cost of constructing a nuclear facility and make it unattractive relative to other units such as RES.

The production and use of nuclear energy are a variety of adverse effects. These factors can act as a barrier to innovation in energy efficiency and demand side. These include:
• The maintenance of large inefficient energy grids.
• The removal of investment in more efficient electricity generation systems and small-scale energy services.
• The reduction of employment opportunities only in highly specialized personnel in an industrial area of major capital intensive.

Nuclear power, in most if not all cases are more expensive than other options for energy supply. This is one of the main reasons at present, until about 2010, no longer planned or are now under construction in OECD countries, new nuclear reactors - apart from one in Finland. Most of the energy utilities company based heavily on nuclear energy (eg British Energy in the United Kingdom or France EdF) take direct or indirect subsidies from the state. In Russia, nuclear reactors owned and not part of utility company that operates in competitive markets.