Environment - Climate Change

The problem has been for many years seen by mankind. Historically the beginning of complete human intervention occurred before in two centuries since the industrial revolution. From that point on man consumed akatapafta natural resources (especially mineral) and in a totally uncontrolled way and rather competitive.

The result of this "evolution" Accumulator created environmental problems:

- Global (over) heat (global (over) warming)

The term global warming refers to the increase in average global temperature and ocean. According to the committee of the UN or global average temperature over the past century has risen 0.6 degrees C (± 0,2). The projections of the same committee at the end of this century is a much worse and likely further increase in temperature up to 5.8 degrees C.
global warming

The phenomenon of global warming has been most directly associated with the production of greenhouse gases from human activities.
The results of this growth has become considerably. (In Drama, we see a decent snowman decade). Poles of the earth already seen huge icebergs melt rapidly. The resultant sea level is expected to go up and make similar disasters.

Already using satellites (1992) has found that the average rise in sea level is 2.8 mm / year but held reservations about the reliability (resolution) measurements.

Other adverse events due to global warming include changes in rainfall rates, increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events. Future expected in some areas, prolonged drought, and hygiene due to climate change.
Rising sea levels

- Greenhouse gases (greenhouse gases)

As mentioned greenhouse gases are primarily responsible for global warming. These gases absorb (trap) which essentially radiation at a rate to transmit to the earth, thereby warming the surface.

The major greenhouse gases are water vapor (H20), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CI4), sodium oxide (NO2) and ozone (O3).
Graph: The global increase in CO2 concentration was
Human activity is responsible for the increase in CO2, CI4, NO2, which are excreted rapidly in the atmosphere because of the dependence of the global economy on fossil fuels.

Burning fossil fuels generates sulfuric, nitric acids and carbonates. The gases emitted by burning fossil fuels collected by droplets in the clouds, which return to the earth's surface in the form mainly of acid precipitation (also with the snow, vapor and solid particles).