Solar Energy

The existence of life on earth is due to the sun. The plants for photosynthesis, need sunlight. Herbivores eat plants, carnivores to herbivores, so it all depends on the sun. The man operating the solar energy using solar batteries, panels of solar cells and giant mirrors. This heated water and generate electricity. The exploitation of solar energy has many positive features, why would there forever and does not infect all the earth's atmosphere. The solar equipment but very expensive.

One way to exploit the solar energy are solar batteries. Currently used mainly for power generation on satellites, because they have very large cost. The solar batteries are made from silicon. Silicon is a semiconductor and if enriched with some other relevant information, allowing the flow of electrons. A solar cell consists of two layers of silicon, one enriched with positive ions and one negative. When sunlight falls on the surface, electrons are released and collected by a network of pipelines that exist on both surfaces. When you connect the item with an electrical circuit, electrons move from negative to positive surface generating electricity.

The frames of solar cells is the most widespread method for the exploitation of solar energy. In areas with lots of sunshine, is used to heat water. These boxes work much like a greenhouse. The inner surface of the frame has the ability to retain heat. A special glass plate to help the trapped heat. The water as it moves to the pipes are in, it absorbs heat and warms.

The frames of solar cells can be used to heating the water in countries where the climate is very hot, like Britain and Sweden. The performance however is great in warm climates such as the western United States, the Middle East and Australia. These areas have tried many methods of exploiting solar energy. In California, for example, there is a "solar tower", which works successfully and produces electricity. These facilities are 1800 mirrors that reflect light and natural and heat in a tower. The mirrors are constructed so as to monitor the movement of the sun. The heat collected is used to heat the water then the steam is created, thus bringing generators produced electricity. In southern France, Onteigio has made an enormous solar furnace in which the only solar energy and temperatures of up to 4,000 degrees Celsius.

Every day our planet is "bathed" by inconceivable amounts of solar energy. Within a year, each square meter of land of any region with plenty of sunshine from more than 2,000 kilowatt hours of light energy. If we could collect and convert into electricity at this quantity, we will keep in place a pressure cooker for about six weeks. A small part of the energy carried by the solar radiation captured from the leaves of plants and ensure their development. Lately, scientists are exploring ways of using light energy for human activities. The benefits are very tempting: Solar energy is inexhaustible, cheap and does not pollute the environment. On the other hand, is not so easy to collect and turn it into a more usable form of energy. The mirrors used in solar power plants spend a large proportion of radiation reflected, while the solar cells utilize only a few specific wavelengths. Despite these difficulties, it is likely that in coming decades as solar radiation will cover an increasing share of energy needs of humanity.


The utilization of solar radiation is in two ways: either by direct conversion of radiation into electricity or intermediate conversion to heat. In the second case, solar radiation is concentrated in mirrors, which focus on a boiler, producing steam.


The solar car is an experimental vehicle that uses solar energy and a maximum speed of 65 km per hour. The aerodynamic body consists of a lightweight sandwich honeycomb aluminum and a carbon fiber material. It has about 900 pounds solar cells in batteries located on the roof and rear of the car. The solar cells collect the light rays into electrical energy, fed a particular type of engine. Under conditions of high sunshine, the data can give power of about one kilowatt - or 1.3 horsepower. (To get a benchmark, suffices to think that a normal gasoline engine car can give power of more than 100 horsepower.) Solar cars are still in their infancy and age involved to prove that there are a practical solution. However, many low-power devices-from phones to the calculators, already operate efficiently with solar energy.

The data fed into the experimental solar cars do not have cell members - so they need minimal maintenance. Each of them give as much energy as the battery and a lens. The elements are connected by series. In this way, small voltages are added and give us a lot longer.

The solar cells contain two layers of silicon - a substance that forms the basis of microchips in the computer. Some people at the top layer of silicon having an excess electron in their outer layer, while some people in the lower layer show a deficit of one electron. Thus electrons move from the upper to the lower layer, creating a positive electric charge in the upper layer. So when exposed to the solar module in bright light, some electrons in the lower layer are attracted to the positive charge of the upper layer and generate electricity.