Investing in green technology

The emissions of carbon dioxide increase and, unfortunately, will dramatically change the climate of the planet over the next 50 years.
O Lord Rees President of the British Royal Society, said it was important for governments to prepare for the worst impacts of climate change. "Even if you do not verify this scenario, we should prepare ourselves properly," he said.
In his speech on the 35th anniversary of the Royal Society, Lord Rees said that that part of the preparation is to invest in green technologies and their development while it is imperative to save the planet, reaching a binding agreement to combat climate change.
"The international community should take effective measures to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide in the UN Conference on Climate in Cancun, Mexico, while Rees said that" The solar energy gives a lot of medium and long term benefits, but we need direct replacement of nuclear power. "
He noted finally that the British government spends 600 million pounds per year for research in energy, while the health sector the amount is 1.4 billion