Google Earth Engine protects forests

 Google Inc. presented at the meeting of the UN Climate in Cancun, a new technology for the protection of tropical forests.
This technology will be an important tool for governments and will further strengthen relations and trust between rich and poor nations.
According to a report in Reuters, the scientists via satellite platform can monitor real-time changes occurring in tropical forests.
The platform Google Earth Engine forests collect images from satellites to get the U.S. and France and stored in open database sharing.
So the scientists via computer can monitor and record changes that occur in forests.
It is an important weapon for the protection of forests, Google Earth Engine.
Noted that deforestation accounts for 17% of carbon dioxide resulting from human activities.
The UN Summit on Climate in Cancun began on November 29 and ending on December 10.
The Conference is not in the spotlight, as most predict that participants will not be able to reach, rather than a binding agreement, nor even the adoption of some smaller sub-agreements on climate (eg the agreement on protection of areas of deforestation), as quarrels and interests as they appeared clearly in Copenhagen, remain at the forefront.