

Kerkyra: Kerkyra

You can get to Corfu either by plane, bus and boat

Kerkyra: Kerkyra

How to get there
By air:
Most of the major companies in Greece fly to Corfu International Airport. Check out for flights from Aegean , Olympic, Airbelrin, easyjet, Transaero etc.

By car or bus:
If you are coming through mainland Greece you hav eto drive all the way to Igoumenitsa and from there on you take a boat to Corfu for about 1.30 hour. Boats run almost every hour and cost about 15 euro each person and about 25 for a car oneway.

The rapid development of wind Energy Worldwide

The global market for wind turbines is expected to almost double this year. Last year, the market grew by 80% with 620 new megawatts of installed capacity.

Especially the sector of offshore wind is considerably enhanced, and several governments are turning in this direction not to deal with local responses to terrestrial wind farms.
The offshore market is expected to grow by an average of 43% per year in the period 2010-2015, as noted by analysts.

Investing in green technology

The emissions of carbon dioxide increase and, unfortunately, will dramatically change the climate of the planet over the next 50 years.
O Lord Rees President of the British Royal Society, said it was important for governments to prepare for the worst impacts of climate change. "Even if you do not verify this scenario, we should prepare ourselves properly," he said.
In his speech on the 35th anniversary of the Royal Society, Lord Rees said that that part of the preparation is to invest in green technologies and their development while it is imperative to save the planet, reaching a binding agreement to combat climate change.
"The international community should take effective measures to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide in the UN Conference on Climate in Cancun, Mexico, while Rees said that" The solar energy gives a lot of medium and long term benefits, but we need direct replacement of nuclear power. "
He noted finally that the British government spends 600 million pounds per year for research in energy, while the health sector the amount is 1.4 billion

Solar wind: The next source of renewable energy?

Solar and wind energy have long been two strong competitors in the race for the next largest renewable source of energy.
To avoid a dilemma for choosing one of two scientists from Washington State University decided to combine both.

Using a giant solar sail, width 8400 km, to collect energy from the solar wind, the team hopes will be able to produce 1 billion billion gigawatts of energy, energy that is significantly greater than that needed for humanity - if they can bring the energy this Earth.

"It's amazing how much energy it can produce," says Dirk Schulze-Makuch, a scientist at Washington State University and an author of the study. "Overall, we hope that will work well enough, but there are some practical issues to be resolved."

Solar mirrors in space to save earth

Dr Rajendra Pachauri heads the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate (IPCC), told the meeting in Cancun said "should be to stop the rise in average global temperature will have to look at geoengineering, says publication of the Telegraph.
Margins are narrow and should provide solutions to combat this phenomenon.
Global warming is most visible and should take more drastic measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The Dr Rajendra Pachauri, said that scientists are considering installation of solar mirrors in space to reflect sunlight.
Besides, considering the spray of the sea surface in quantities of iron, in order to create suitable conditions for growth of plankton to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
At the Cancun meeting of representatives from over 190 countries and conducted in the hotel Moon Palace.
The purpose of the meeting is to reach a binding agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The Dr Pachauri pointed out that if you continue to increase greenhouse gas emissions, the consequences will be disastrous for humans, nature and the world at large.
Climate change is a fact and requires global effort to avoid catastrophic consequences for the planet.